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Robert Powers
Yoga Bio

Classes Taught: 1,787 classes in 4 years, 0 months

Yoga Teacher, LA Fitness, West Seattle (January 2017 - August 2018) (356 classes)

• Class size 12-45+. Average: 26.

Yoga Teacher, 24 Hour Fitness, West Seattle (May 2017 - June 2018) (155 classes)

Yoga Teacher, Highland Park Improvement Club (August 2017 - August 2018, weekly) 

Yoga Teacher, Breathe Hot Yoga (August 2014 - December 2016) 
• 60- or 90-minute Bikram style or expanded house Hatha series
• 1,211 classes taught in 28 months
  Three locations. Class size ranged from 1-20. Also taught 3 workshops.
  (Sole employee for most of my classes, frequently opening/closing studio for the day.)
• 2014 in-house Hatha yoga teacher training (300 hours)
• Guru: Amber Borgomainerio. In the tradition of Master Bishnu Ghosh.
• personal study of classic yoga texts and dev. of teaching voice, incl. Sanskrit
• experienced with MINDBODY schedule and purchase system; fastidious cleaner
yoga practice
• 2015 USA Yoga Washington men's champion
• 2013 USA Yoga Washington men's champion
  (30th of 32 men at nationals in San Antonio, TX, 2014)
• 2010: began yoga practice at Bikram studios in Vancouver, BC (age 40)
I've been a vegan for 13 years, and I ride my bicycle everywhere. Bring your problems to yoga. I brought my scoliosis, spina bifida, desk-job atrophy, and lack of humility. Yoga will transform you if you stick with it!
I was an advertising copywriter for 20 years. To train as a yoga teacher, I wrote a 30-page script (including the best lines from my favorite teachers). I read it aloud and edited it again and again. Certification is nice, but practice!


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