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Yoga App Gratitude Journal for just 99 cents (donated to charity)

I received a lovely email today from a treasured friend and instructor from my YTT program. I share this with you as a way to deepen your personal practice. It is about a new Iphone App called Gratitude Journal developed by Matt Elmore of and

Writes Matt:

"I'd like to share with you something very dear to my heart. For the greater part of 2012, I had been putting together a non-profit called Prana to the People, an organization dedicated to spreading happiness through modern technology. Proceeds from Prana to the People go to various non-profit and relief organizations chosen quarterly. I'm excited to say that the first product, Gratitude Journey: an All-In-One Gratitude Journal for iPhone and iPad, has just been released.

"The idea for Gratitude Journey came about as a sudden realization. I had been using a gratitude journal for months to essentially start my day on a happy note, and keep that going. For those who don’t know what a gratitude journal is, it’s as simple as it sounds. At specific times of the day, you journal about things that you’re grateful for in your life. It’s amazingly effective. By keeping an attitude of gratitude, you’re constantly reminded of the happy things in your life, which are often hidden by stress.

"One day, a friend/leadership coach was telling me about one of her morning habits. She has this adorable practice of asking strangers in her building elevator, “What are you grateful for today?” I thought to myself about what a gift she is giving these people. When someone starts thinking about the macaroni art their daughter made for them, they’re going to be rocking a smile all day long. So the decision was made. Everyone deserves happiness and what better way to do it than through smart phone apps.

"Gratitude Journey is designed to enhance and automate the process of keeping a gratitude journal. You can add pictures to your entries, categorize them by type, and chart your progress. The two key features that really make the app powerful are the Daily Alarm and the Gratitude Gift. At specified times of the day, the app will send you randomly-selected past entries as a pick-me-up.

"This quarters' proceeds will go to a non-profit organization with a mission to connect people through lending to alleviate poverty. I encourage you to support kiva and Prana to the People, by checking out Gratitude Journey, available for $0.99 on the App Store.

"Thank you so much for your attention.



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