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Showing posts from July, 2012

Last day to get awesome special class pricing at the Little Yoga Studio

Maria Camacho's sweet practice spot The Little Yoga Studio at 8th and Beech downtown (corner of Cortez Hill) is updating their class pricing and today is the last day to pick up a package at the "old" rates of $15 for drop-in (and better rates for packages).  The new rates increase drop-ins by a dollar. Check their website for more info. They also have an auto-pay promo that gives you unlimited yoga for two months at $85/month (AWESOME DEAL) (requires 4 month commitment). Also, though I am thoroughly committed to the teacher training program, TLYS does have it's own YTT intenstive. Check their website for info.

Free Yoga at the SD Museum of Art Cultural groove site Flavorpill is hooking up with Naked Juice to present the Art of Yoga at the gorgeous San Diego Museum of Art on Wednesday, August 8th, and they'd love for you to join them. RSVP for your spot at the event, which features instructor Katie Brauer, a live DJ set by Mental Physix, and free Naked® Pure Coconut Water. The first 100 event entrants score a free yoga mat, but they promise that everyone will leave reinvigorated, replenished, and refreshed. Doors open at 6pm, class starts at 6:30pm. Page asks for a promo code but I don't know about one - so try to sign up anyway :)

What's your favorite yoga class (or, moving slow doesn't come easy so I tried it)

Why? Now, what is your least favorite yoga class? Why? I have been told and am slowing learning this: that things which you find most difficult or not desirable might be what you should explore! Trying to embrace this lesson, I brought to my yoga class this morning the ideas of moving slowly, cultivating a place of quiet, of silence...a meditative space...and one infused with non-judgement. I am not a power vinyasa girl, but i do like to move, to challenge myself, and keep my mind busy. So practicing meditation does not come naturally for me...and therefore all the more reason to 'talk myself through it' as part of an experiment in Community Yoga this morning. We started with a discussion of OM - what it means, what it is...what you can do with it, and what it can do for you. From there we moved to chanting OM - and new yoga people being shy, of course, i was the sole voice resonating the AUM sound - and I was happy to share my sound with the group and help them experience i

Ignore the Evidence

[This is another piece I wrote for my “Taking Out the Carbage” column in Kit Pharo’s “ Pharo Cattle Company Update .”] Hilda Bruch, a young German pediatrician, moved to America and settled in New York City. She was “startled” by the number of fat children she saw – “really fat ones, not only in clinics, but on the streets and subways, and in schools.” 1 Indeed, fat children in New York “were so conspicuous that other European immigrants asked Bruch about it, assuming she would have an answer. What is the matter with American children? they would ask. Why are they so bloated and blown up? Many would say they’d never seen so many children in such a state.” 1 The public health “experts” usually point their fingers at fast food, computers, TV, and even prosperity as contributing causes. But Hilda Bruch moved to New York City in 1934, “two decades before the birth of fast food franchises and a half century before supersizing and high fructose corn syrup.” 1 This was during the Great Dep

Yoga Consumerism - where I tell you about stuff that I like and/or wish I could own

After prowling the Yoga Journal Marketplace many times last weekend I have finally decided to sit down and sent out some positive vibe on products that I either bought or wanted to buy (but didn't have the budget) or just though were really cool and wanted to get the word out. The complete list of vendors is here: Companies I would be remiss to not mention first and foremost: Green Yoga UCSD Center for Mindfulness Yoga Gives Back yogaHOPE Yoga For Hope San Diego Things I purchased and want to proudly tout: BackJoy - ergonomic seats to help restore your lumbar curve, take pressure off your spine and assist healthy posture. I bought TWO - one for me and one for my dad!  Aura Cacia - I bought a bevvy of essential oil blends AND some pure cocoa butter (amazing - amazing - amazing) from this group and have been using them daily on myself and Eli ! Will be using grapefruit oil in my kids spritzer bottle next week in class - they should LOV

Eating Right on the Road

Take-along Primal/Paleo food My job requires frequent travel. Maintaining my way of eating while on the road has presented some challenges. I've attended conferences where the “free” meal wasn’t worth the price – breaded chicken, corn, mashed potatoes with starchy gravy, and sugary dessert. I’ve learned to “just say no.” Eating at restaurants on the road reminds me how good our local restaurants are. When asked what kind of restaurant I’d like to go to, my answer is “one that serves meat!” So far, I’ve been able to find choices that fit my needs. Nancy and I have learned several lessons about ordering when we eat out, and those apply on the road, too. Some restaurants, like the DeRico Brazilian Grill in Springfield, Missouri are wonderfully easy! Air travel, and time spend in airports, presents the greatest challenge to finding appropriate food while away from home. It also provides some head-scratching moments. The complimentary “food” (“pretzels, peanuts, or cookies?”) service o

Radio Interview

On Thursday, July 5th, I had the pleasure of being interviewed live on News/Talk 1290 CJBK from London, Ontario . Andy Oudman and Pam Killeen made it a relaxed and enjoyable time. I'm looking forward to meeting Pam at Wise Traditions this November. A recording of the interview is posted here .