I won't repeat what Mel Robbins said, but I will give an example of how the distilled down version of it saved me from a meltdown the other day. But first, my whole life story (leaving out childhood trauma, etc. and sticking with things relevant to one story line). Meltdown? You? A yogi? Oh yes. With a lifelong struggle with depression (starting before I even hit puberty but went undiagnosed) to 35 years with an eating disorder (now in a state of "constant recovery) my mental meltdowns might not include slamming doors (but they have), or hitting my child (they have NOT), street fighting (also, NO) or public hate speeches (*ahem*) but they have included self-harm and fits of self-directed anger and crying. When I was 13 I was so frustrated by some argument with my mom that I grabbed the Bic razor in the shower and drew it across the top of my head. My Mom was horrified when I showed her, ...