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Showing posts from March, 2013

Beef: The REAL Health Food

Update - Sten made me aware that the timing between the slides and the audio fails at the 31 minute mark. I am preparing a corrected version. I'll upload it as soon as I can, and re-post the link. Update 2 - Corrected versions are posted to Vimeo  and YouTube .  I was invited to participate in the joint Maryland Cattle Industry Convention and Hay & Pasture Conference. My visit to Hagerstown was quite enjoyable. I met a number of folks and I learned a great deal. I gave two presentations: “Optimizing Forage-Based Animal Nutrition” and “Beef: The REAL Health Food!” I meant to record both of them, but I forgot to turn on my Zoom H2 for the animal nutrition presentation. [slaps forehead] I’ve produced a “video” of the Beef presentation. It’s a combination of an audio recording with the PowerPoint slide set.  

Take a Seat - try Chair Yoga!

This week I started to experiment in one class with chair yoga, then even more in another class, and so next week I declare to be Chair Yoga week. You can get a surprisingly good workout EVEN IN A CHAIR doing yoga. It affords you the opportunity to take balance issues out of the equation (for the most part) and focus on alignment, creating space, engaging the abdomen, and breathing above and beyond all. For those that have injuries, physical limitations, arthritis, are pregnant or just want to try something different, having the chair nearby brings the floor closer to you (or you closer to the floor, however you perceive it) and may offer a little more security, as well as a multitude of modification options. We worked Warrior 1, 2 and 3 using the chair (virabhadrasana series). We did spinal flexion and extension (uttanasana, anuvatasana), forward, back and side. We used the chair to make reaching the floor not even a concern in Triangle Pose (trikonasa) and Half Moon (ardha chandrasan...

IBS oh my

I'm slowly but surely coming to the conclusion that what I have is in fact a form of IBS. Which means far more careful attention to exactly what I put into my body, from the kind of fiber to the amount of sugar, dairy, wheat, and carbonation (I'm a sucker for sparkling water). While I try to sort out what is best for me, I wanted to share with you some information on IBS, the symptoms, and how yoga can help alleviate the complications. Help For IBS . Enjoy whilst I go and fetch myself some enteric coated peppermint capsules, soluble prebiotic fiber and some fennel tea. We'll chat later :)