[This piece was written for my “Taking Out the Carbage” column in Kit Pharo’s “ Pharo Cattle Company Update .” I’m "leveraging" it here in the hope that it will help me get back into regular contributions to this blog …] “Title page of "La Physiologie du Goût" ("The Physiology of Taste") by French gastronome Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin (1755-1826) with a portrait of the author. 1848 edition.” From Wikipedia "Shun anything made with flour, no matter in what form it hides; do you not still have the roast, the salad and the leafy vegetables?" This quote from Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin's The Physiology of Taste, published in 1825 , makes three points: 1. Carbohydrate restriction is not a new concept . The notion of the fattening carbohydrate has been around for almost two hundred years. Nor is it a "fad" diet . Its status as the most effective means of treating obesity...