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Showing posts from May, 2011

A Busy Month

My schedule has been very full lately, and it looks like I’ll miss this posting target by a week. My apologies. This will be an odds-and-ends post about some events that took place, and topics that came up, in April: * Presentations * A demonstration of the power of reducing cost of production in a pasture-based dairy * Grain-feeding is not the cause, nor grass-feeding the cure, for E. coli O157:H7 * A Nutrition and Metabolism Society get together in the Pacific Northwest * A hammered dulcimer gathering All in one post! ********************** On April 9th I spoke to the Douglas County Livestock Association's Spring Livestock Conference. The audience was an engaged one, and I enjoyed some wonderful interaction with several attendees. One of them was Craig Reed, a reporter for the Capital Press . He wrote an article about my presentation, which was posted on the 21st. If I could make a change, it would be in the title, “ Expert sees protein as balm for obesity woes .” I’d replace “