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Showing posts from February, 2011

The New Conventional Wisdom

Years ago our teacher told us the story of the man who made canned tuna more popular than canned salmon. As I recall, this advertising guy had the account for some brand of canned tuna, which at the time was mostly being used as pet food. Most customers preferred canned salmon. What could he do to increase the public’s preference for this brand of tuna and thereby increase its sales? He came up with a simple slogan – “Guaranteed not to turn pink in the can.” Sales of canned tuna soon outpaced those of canned salmon. Was the man lying? No, his brand of tuna didn’t turn pink in the can. Neither did salmon, of course (or any other brand of tuna), but that’s beside the point. This story makes two important points. First, it’s most likely a myth (see Snopes ), but that hasn’t stopped it from being repeated endlessly as if it were true. The sincere repetition of false information as if it were true is common. Much of what we call “Conventional Wisdom” consists of just this sort of “knowledge

What is Grass Based Health?

Animals make us human. Temple Grandin . . . the Andamanese believe it is the possession of fire that makes human beings what they are and distinguishes them from animals. Radcliffe-Brown, A. 1922. The Andaman Islanders: A Study in Social Anthropology . Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. 1 So, what does barbecue make us? With his new opposing thumb and his king-sized cranium, Man sallied forth with grace and savoir faire. With Promethian desire he soon discovered fire, And arson but a single step from there. The wheel and gasoline, to the full-sized limousine, Music, art and law are but a few, But name what can compare to the artistry so rare of the sparerib that has met the barbecue. from The Big Band Theory . Mark Graham. 2 I recently had the opportunity to attend the 7 th Annual Cattlemen’s Workshop in La Grande, Oregon. It was a wonderful opportunity to connect with the region’s beef industry and learn from the ranchers, industry and University folks who were there. One l